Chapter 4 – Kurogane Shido

Kurogane Shido’s POV

I am Kurogane Shido, a talented child claimed by my peers, parents, and my negative and monstrous older brother, Kurogane Kuro. Also, a genius younger sister who has a severe case of brother complex,  Kurogane Kana. Continue reading “Chapter 4 – Kurogane Shido”

Chapter 3 – Awamaki Naofumi

Awamaki Naofumi’s POV

I don’t want to be bragging but I believed that I am a rather lucky individual. Being born into a wealthy and well-known family while also having ‘talent’ (claimed by the many people I communicated with), so much so that I started looking down on the ‘normal’ populace unconsciously that was until the day I met Kurogane Kuro, my current best friend. Meeting him changed so many parts of me, skipping the process…well, in essence, I became a better person and I managed to get together with Yuna from my family’s ex-rival family, the Asami who was also my first love. Continue reading “Chapter 3 – Awamaki Naofumi”

Chapter 2 – Asami Yuna

Asami Yuna’s POV

My name is Asami Yuna, I was born into the wealthy and powerful Asami family, so I had no trouble with livelihood or rather I was being spoiled lots by my family till recently when I became more independent after becoming best friend with Kuro who is walking in front of me and my boyfriend Naofumi who is walking beside me. Continue reading “Chapter 2 – Asami Yuna”

Chapter 1 – Kurogane Kuro

Kurogane Kuro’s POV

“Yo Kuro! How’s your test?” (Naofumi)

My best friend, Awamaki Naofumi, a handsome and wealthy individual as well as having a great personality making him the most popular guy in the school, called out to me as he placed his arm on my shoulder.

“Well, the usual. What about you?” Continue reading “Chapter 1 – Kurogane Kuro”

Prologue 3- Kuro Shirasaki

Kuro Shirasaki’s POV

Have one ever questioned whether supernatural like sci-fi and fantasy ever truly existed in the world? Right, who am I kidding, it is a dumb and retarded question ain’t it?

‘Of course it doesn’t exist!’ is what a “normal” “sane” person would claim. Then what I am about to say would make me an insane person huh. Continue reading “Prologue 3- Kuro Shirasaki”